Sunday, September 11, 2011


1)Why the advertisement featured a mixed race couple:
The reasons for why the director chose a mixed couple can be alot, but i personally feel that the director did so because the director wanted us to send us a message that love has no boundaries, especially in multi-racial countries like Singapore. It shows us that even though we may be different in terms of our religion; societies;e.t.c,  we must learn to understand and live together in harmony happily. 

2)Why did the lady only focused on the bad traits of her husband?
She wanted us to realize that what we humans also remember for a long time are those bad things that happened to us or bad things that happened. Example, the 9/11 incident caused many people to remembered the terrorist group: Taliban. That made a large number of people to have a hatred especially to the Talibans because it caused many people's love ones to die or injured, and til now i am pretty sure they still remember it even though more than 10 years has passed. But this must not necessarily be bad things to remember of, actually that incident also taught much of the population in the United States to treasure your loved ones while they are still here.

3)Is the advertisement effective in promoting family values?
I think the advertisement was effective in promoting family values as it relates to many people as it tells us that humans make mistakes, but we must learn to forgive and forget their imperfections as we will eventually miss them even more because of the imperfections they have. By forgiving them we are able to focus more on the good traits of them and treasure it in our mind as memories. 
But still i have one more thing to add, most people will not truly understand and feel how it is like, until this happens to them.

WOOOHOOOO 2 more homework to go! Byebye! ^~^

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Edit: My favourite character

Just so you dont know him, you can go this link to go and see pictures of him :D,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1680&bih=959&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi

My favourite character

One of my favourite character of all times is the good old Spongebob! I would say that you have no childhood if you do not know him. About him, he is a very funny and happy squarish guy, he is very committed to his best friend, Patrick the starfish. He is very committed to his work in a fastfood restaurant named The Krusty Krabs and always look on the bright side of things that happens. What i really love about him is that he is very caring towards people who are around him, be it good or bad, just like how he treats squidwards, his neighbour. He treats squidward as if they are friends since birth and helped him and tries to talk to him whenever they go to work together :D

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Wow.. Unseen is probably one of the most common types of questions we practice on and comes out in exams. This is because we are actually being taught to feel and experience the emotions, tone in the passage when the author wrote it. This helps us to understand how feelings, emotions, tones will affect our audience when we are doing a play or writing a book. Unseen is often a passage which we never encountered or seen before in our lives, and we are told to answer several questions in order for the teachers to see how we feel when we read the Unseen Passage. I find it challenging because we never got to discuss how we feel about it, therefore we will not be confident when answering the questions.

Romeo And Juliet

Finally a new blog post for my secondary 2 literature... This time after we are finished with the Macbeth play, we are going on to an even more important and challenging project, partly because it holds 70% of our literature marks... We found it hard to discuss and find time to meet up and practice because now we have more group members and thus, more people means we will be less organized if we are not careful. That happened and i am pretty sure nobody likes it because it just slows our whole progress down. The reasons were mainly CCAs and other appointments we had, so we were unable to have rehearsals regularly. The important thing in this project is EFFORT. Without it, we would do badly as the costumes, props, acting and memorising of lines are very hard. So far we had only one chance to see what each group could do, and i really feel that i should contribute more, but things do not always go your way. Anyhow, so far i enjoyed the story of Romeo & Juliet as it is much more classic than other plays.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Overall feelings and opinion of Macbeth

My favorite character of Macbeth shall be.. MACBETH of course!
He was strong to the end, he worked hard to get what he wanted and he was loyal to King Duncan till the end until his wife told him to kill Duncan, if not there would be no climax. Well... about the story of Macbeth.. I have to say that it is basically a story about a noble and loyal soldier who was confronted by witches whom gave him prophecies that he would become king. He was then persuaded by his wife and killed the king in order to make the prophecy come true. In the end he was killed by a man that was not born by a woman.
I have learnt that in order for prophecy to come true, you must do something to make it happen, if not it is just a fact that it will happen. Either that.. Or it never will happen. 1 thing i felt weird about the story was why would Macbeth marry such a bad and naughty wife xP . Obviously she is bad! And well... I also learnt that you should never doubt any possibilities. Sen signing off

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Summary of Act 1 Scene 2 of MACBETH

Last last lesson, we summarized the whole of Act 1 Scene 2 of Macbeth. It is basically tells the story of an injured captain who went to war and was asked by King Duncan about the situation of the war. Macbeth won both wars even though the second one was a unexpected attack. He had fought back with twice as much as force and killed the Thane of Cawdor. Then there was a treaty of $10000 to allow the Norweyans to bury their dead comrades. Then there was the comic strip which had to be a summary of Act 1 Scene 2, it was a challenge as we needed to find a way to draw out the summary of the whole scene. And Ms Malyanah, sorry if my art isn't up to your standards as i seriously have no talent in art except simple colouring.... 1 thing i learnt from that lesson, Mckell thinks that you have to give mercy to your enemies... Well Mckell... If you think that way.. you will never understand the meaning of mercy killing.