Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Romeo And Juliet

Finally a new blog post for my secondary 2 literature... This time after we are finished with the Macbeth play, we are going on to an even more important and challenging project, partly because it holds 70% of our literature marks... We found it hard to discuss and find time to meet up and practice because now we have more group members and thus, more people means we will be less organized if we are not careful. That happened and i am pretty sure nobody likes it because it just slows our whole progress down. The reasons were mainly CCAs and other appointments we had, so we were unable to have rehearsals regularly. The important thing in this project is EFFORT. Without it, we would do badly as the costumes, props, acting and memorising of lines are very hard. So far we had only one chance to see what each group could do, and i really feel that i should contribute more, but things do not always go your way. Anyhow, so far i enjoyed the story of Romeo & Juliet as it is much more classic than other plays.

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