Monday, January 31, 2011

Hmmm i may have made a mistake :)

i think there was once it actually happened but i didnt think much of it because no one gave me that prophecy :)
It was actually by accident and laziness did get my own prophecies :D OK here it is :
December 30th: I was bored... And my computer had some minor problems.. so i went on and just scribble some random chat.
First day of school: Hi my new friends hmmm who may be nice? And i know practically most of the boys like Mun Chong and Cher yi though we were never the same class but through casual chats. Then out of nowhere i heard a girl laughing, I then started to wonder which girl dared to laugh so loud infront of the class. It was a girl with a name so familiar and I  then started talking to her then chat with her online, she was amazingly happy and cheerful. What the "prophecy" was that on the paper i wrote down during december suddenly came through. I had scribbled was a girl with medium long hair and was very friendly and was funny and loved to laugh. Didn't know what came through me then but it happened and I could almost predict where she was gonna come out from like the toilet beside our class, i was behind the back door and i knew she would appear from the toilet and come across the back door. So here it is a prophecy i made myself without any help :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Has there been a time in your life when someone told you that something improbable would happen and it did? Did the fact that the event was "predicted" cause you to behave differently that you to behave differently that you would have otherwise and make it more more likely for the event to occur? Or did the event simply seem to occur without any assistance from you?

Well... my answer to that will be a big NO. Even if it did.. it didn't happen thats why i did not bother remembering it. But if it did i would probably just ignore it or just see whether it will happen or not because i believe it will in the end just depend on the "thing that will be yours" or that "event will happen". Prophets gives you prophecy, and i will rather do everything normally and just move on. If you keep having the prophecy in your mind, i bet you will try to do things differently, i can bet on it. Because you are what you do. The moment you pause and think should i do this? but the prophecy said that *** will happen and i am not sure whether if this choice will get me to that prophecy.( Sorry if you do not understand ) Remember do the thing that comes in your mind first, if not you are confused by the prophecy. Prophets are people that help give you an idea of what you want in your life, they do not tell you the future they tell you what you want or do not want to hear, so they say it so that you will change for the better or for worse. If you are 1 of the people who listens to them, 1 tip and that is to be yourself, do not let other people change your life, but if you still listen to the "prophecies" i cannot blame you because they are very tempting. So heres my reflection on that topic... Sentinel signing off :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Some photos

1 picture of William Shakespeare

A statue or monument of the Great artist
William Shakespeare. R.I.P

1st report on the Legendary Shakespeare A.K.A Bard of Avon

I feel that the lesson is a great start to the rest of the year literature lessons as it was informative and was interesting. Firstly i learnt how to write a Cinquain poem, cool huh? I also learnt a few French word for numbers.
First, we write a word that tells the readers what the poem will typically based on, eg. school, World, flowers.
Next we need to write 2 adjectives that describes the topic, like school and the adjectives will be homeworks and books. Then we will write 3 action words that is related to the topic, like shooting, sleeping, resting.
The 4th line we will need to write a short sentence that is also related to the topic, then finally, another word that is similar to the topic will be written on the 5th line, like bullets; ammo, teachers; educators. But 1 sad thing is that i do not know how to link the lesson to any of the NE values.. SORRY!!!! :(

Friday, January 7, 2011


So this will be used to help me earn marks in my Lit, hopefully my "powerful''  english will help me earn marks in literature, i will be putting the comment gadget at the side, so if got tip help me out okay friends?