Sunday, January 16, 2011

1st report on the Legendary Shakespeare A.K.A Bard of Avon

I feel that the lesson is a great start to the rest of the year literature lessons as it was informative and was interesting. Firstly i learnt how to write a Cinquain poem, cool huh? I also learnt a few French word for numbers.
First, we write a word that tells the readers what the poem will typically based on, eg. school, World, flowers.
Next we need to write 2 adjectives that describes the topic, like school and the adjectives will be homeworks and books. Then we will write 3 action words that is related to the topic, like shooting, sleeping, resting.
The 4th line we will need to write a short sentence that is also related to the topic, then finally, another word that is similar to the topic will be written on the 5th line, like bullets; ammo, teachers; educators. But 1 sad thing is that i do not know how to link the lesson to any of the NE values.. SORRY!!!! :(

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