Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Summary of Act 1 Scene 2 of MACBETH

Last last lesson, we summarized the whole of Act 1 Scene 2 of Macbeth. It is basically tells the story of an injured captain who went to war and was asked by King Duncan about the situation of the war. Macbeth won both wars even though the second one was a unexpected attack. He had fought back with twice as much as force and killed the Thane of Cawdor. Then there was a treaty of $10000 to allow the Norweyans to bury their dead comrades. Then there was the comic strip which had to be a summary of Act 1 Scene 2, it was a challenge as we needed to find a way to draw out the summary of the whole scene. And Ms Malyanah, sorry if my art isn't up to your standards as i seriously have no talent in art except simple colouring.... 1 thing i learnt from that lesson, Mckell thinks that you have to give mercy to your enemies... Well Mckell... If you think that way.. you will never understand the meaning of mercy killing.

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